Digital Marketing Expert Interview with Pritam Nagrale

Digital Marketing Expert Pritam Nagrale,s Inspring Interview How He Earn Online

 When Pritam Nagarale Sir started his career, he used to sell computer hardware. But he is one of the most popular bloggers in India today, earning more than $25,000 per month.

interview questions

Satish Kushwaha : (satish kushwaha star interviewer)Sir, first of all. tell me about yourself how do you feel about becoming a millionaire?
And Journey with a computer hardware and today's?

Pritam Nagrale : Being a millionaire I am                                            very happy, the internet has given me a lot and now it is my time to give back to the internet.  
For this I have also started a YouTube chainel in this blogging, how to earn money from Digital Marketing, I will give very good information about it, if you want to learn Digital Marketing then subscribe to YouTube channel.

Satish Kushwaha : (theinterviewer) Absolutely, here Sir is going to share his 15 years of experience with you.  Earlier Sir was doing more blogging, so his interest in the video was less.
 Did you start making a YouTube video while making video do you face any problem?

Pritam Nagrale : Difficulty comes because I                                        did not think before that I will do video or be active on Instagram. Actually there is a way of speaking which is learning and public speaking and all these things are becoming difficult. I am sure that I will be fluent in two to three months and will be able to give a very good presentation through my YouTub Chainnel.

Satish Kushwaha : If a new person wants to                                           start Blogging, then what will you find and how will you get the topic? What to do if there is enough competition?

Pritam Nagrale : If you are new, then think                                      that the topic is close to your heart, in which you have a lot of knowledge and when you start writing something on your blog and talk about doing research, then my own experiments have been carried out.  

There are many ideas on which I work.  First of all, I write on the blog like the perticular field in which I have knowledge and the small topics that are in that perticular field. The second is this, who is the competitor of mine, I take out the list. I have compiled a list of about 100 competitors.  And the premium tools that I have on that list like aheref where I compare them which are their top pages, which are popular posts, I get a lot of idea from which topic to write and which topics I research, there are many other things like Google, s Auto Complit, quara here.

Satish Kushwaha : Right now the 2019/20 is                                          going on, so the TikTokars are coming, Instagram, Ig tv, Facebook Watch have come, YouTube is already a long time, so according to you the time is going to be in the text or Video belongs to content?

Pritam Nagrale :Blogging as long as people                                       are going to consume text because people have interest in reading the text.  But the way you are watching like you said Tiktok, ig tv, youtube these are becoming very popular, then the consumption of video is going to be very high, thanks to jio, the future is also good for video but text and video.  Both have a market and both the markets are very popular, both have very good careers.

Satish Kushwaha : If someone wants to pursue a career in both text and video?

Pritam Nagrale : Yes if you feel you have too much time.

Satish Kushwaha : What are the common mistakes people make in blogging?

Pritam Nagrale : First of all, people choose                                          the topic very wrong. And one common mistake that we make is that we cannot write our content separately from our competitor, due to which you cannot get the customer's engagement.  
The biggest mistsake that I see is a lot of problem in making backlink.  The method of backlink is wrong such as who is making backlink on the post or who is making the website from which website they are making, how much DA, alexa should be, whether there is traffic on the website or not, such mistakes have started in blogging.

Satish Kushwaha : What problem did you face in blogging and how did you handle it?

Pritam Nagrale : First of all I will tell you that the  i choose a wrong topic, then it was the biggest mistake or trouble. Actually if you choose the wrong topic then you will get a lot of problems in writing.  

These problems were with me for about two years.  After that I realized that I should choose a topic in which I have a lot of knowledge.  My topic was Make Money Idea, in which I had a lot of knowledge, I was doing research on this topic since 2000, so I had a lot of knowledge on this topic, so I created a blog on this topic and I got a lot of success.  

And one of the problems happened to me in 2014/15 google manually Penalized me.  After this, my traffic decreased by more than 80%.  The problem was backlink.  There was a lot of problem in bringing traffic back to the website.  There was a lot of difficulty in manually removing the backlink for six months and requesting the website owner.  After about six months, my website traffic gradually increased almost three times.  One reason for this is that when you write content or create a backlink, it should be of very high quality.
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Expert

Satish Kushwaha : Apparently the revenue will also be down as the traffic is down.?

Pritam Nagrale : Yes, there was a decrease of 80% of the traffic, so the revenue was also reduced by 80%, but when the bounce came back, what was earlier was increased by three times.

Satish Kushwaha : How much revenue did you get then?

Pritam Nagrale : Earlier I used to get $5000 to $6000. When the penalty was withdrawn, I started getting approx $15000.

Satish Kushwaha : what would you prefer google adsense or affiliate marketing
Pritam Nagrale : Speaking of me, I have                                              earned more than 70% of the revenue from adsense.  But I will not recommend adsense, if your targeted audience is from India, then you can go for google adsense, if you have a product or services, then you can work with AdSense.  If your target audience is from USA, then you can definitely go for Affiliate Marketing because there is a very good scope of Affiliate Marketing, you can make good income.

Satish Kushwaha : Why?

Pritam Nagrale : The targeted audience of                                         India for Affiliate Marketing which does not purchase, even if it does purchase, then Affiliate Marketing's commission is very low here.  Adsense can bring more revenue in its comparison.  But people purchase in USA and the commission of Affiliate Marketing is very high. So adsense not.

Satish Kushwaha : Sir, people must have got inspiration from all these things that I too should do blogging or YouTube and become a master like you?
Pratima Nagarale : If you do not have any skill, then you have an idea of ​​daily that you have to bring 1% improvement daily, if you bring 1% improvement, 365% improvement in one year and 1500+ improvement in five years.  You can imagine what your success can be.

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